kosaplus actuator manufacturer


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Sticker of pneumatic actuator is changed. (공압 라벨변경)


Our sticker for electric actuator is changed as under. 



*Changed contents and reason

1) CI change of our company

2) add option information, iso5211 and stem information for install

3) size is as same before 



*period of change: in the course of Mar. (to be different according to customers)

*possibly resend with old or new label at the time of request


*공압 라벨이 아래와 같이 변경됩니다


*변경내용 및 사유 

1. 당사CI변경 

2. 제품의 구분에 필요한 옵션정보와 설치에 필요한 iso5211ê³¼ stem 정보 삽입 

3. 사이즈는 이전과 동일 

*변경시기 : 3월 중 (업체별로 상이) 

*요청시 구형 또는 신규 라벨만 발송 가능합니다

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Previous post Sticker of electric actuator is changed. (전동 라벨변경)
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